Home Sellers Have Real Choices of The Services They Choose to Pay For!
We are seasoned professional Realtors with decades of experience in Newport County Real Estate. Working with The MT and Thomas Team provides you with options and a customized plan for selling your home.
Each Plan is designed to fit your individual needs. We will discuss all of the services that we provide with each plan and we can be assured going forward that we will have success.
We provide professional services like most companies but offer greater confidentiality that larger franchises.
If we accept your Property for Sale we will keep you informed every step of the way in the manner that works best for you. Phone, Email, Text or Portal. We provide regular communications to keep you updated in the process.
We use technology combined with personal service. Estimates of Value are offered either in Comparative Analisys form or using Artificial Intelligence along with our revised input ( market conditions, trends, and more) to enhance the results. Depending on your plan.
We offer a choice of Signs (weather and location depending) and our Custom Sign is solar lighted on reflective paint and can be seen for a great distance even in the dark.
There are different marketing plans for each plan including as many as 1300 National and world wide on line sites.
We offer so many additional services:
Property Staging
Property Domain youraddress.com
Concierge Services for Repairs, Cleaning, Painting, Moving and more.
Arial and Water Front Photography.
Contact Us for More Information
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